
Quality is paramount at Noblesse Proteins BV

We are registered by the Netherlands Food and Consumer Product Safety Authority (NVWA) with approval number 06801. The NVWA monitors animal and plant health, animal welfare, and the safety of food and consumer products. The NVWA is also responsible for enforcing nature legislation.

We only source our poultry category 3 raw material from slaughterhouses approved for human consumption from well-controlled and closed supply chains.

The cooled raw materials are delivered to us within hours after slaughter and processed fresh. Before processing, all raw materials are checked by our internal quality control department as well as an external laboratory. Our raw materials come from poultry only, yet we always provide a ruminant-free certificate.

Our raw materials are guaranteed 100% poultry origin

It is our ambition to remain the specialist in transforming poultry category 3 by-products in an environmentally-friendly process to unlock valuable proteins and fats. We want to make these proteins and fats available to the global pet food industry and food chain.

We aim to be your specialist supplier of poultry category 3 by-products. Our customers appreciate the value we add, our reliability of service and supply, and the excellent quality of our finished products.

Transparency and traceability

All finished products are sampled and analysed prior to delivery. It goes without saying we have full traceability from finished products to raw materials. Lot numbers and expiry dates are assigned to all batches.

We have structured and transparent communications with our suppliers and clients. We exchange data to monitor the quality of our products and to anticipate changing requirements in the market.

Hygiene and safety

The quality of our processes and our finished products are assured by our GMP+ FSA certification as well as the approval (number 06801) we have from the Netherlands Food and Consumer Product Safety Authority (NVWA).

Our fresh category 3 raw materials come from local poultry slaughterhouses. We maintain proper hygiene and food safety standards throughout our production processes.


Thanks to the constant and reliable supply of quality poultry category 3 slaughterhouse by-products from our partners we can plan our production processes. This means we can guarantee delivery to agreed specification and volumes to our clients.